Major League Debut
In answer to the question "who will Theodore root for?", we have said that he will hope for a well-played game. Last night's Orioles/Twins matchup was not exactly well-played (three errors between them, some boneheaded baserunning, some bad pitching), it was interesting (lead changes, a triple, and some National League style hit-and-run plays, stolen base attempts--successful and not).
Theodore saw Torii Hunter hit a 2-run home run to break a 4-4 tie. He danced to "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" for the first time.

He received his first lesson in keeping score.
Theodore saw Torii Hunter hit a 2-run home run to break a 4-4 tie. He danced to "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" for the first time.

Clearly, he will now root (root root) for the home team, that being the Twins, since they are headed for the playoffs! Yeeha, thank god you're a country boy, Theodore!
This is good, because now when both of you have to get up and go to the bathroom at the same time during the game, Theodore can make sure that all the plays get recorded. Baby, be of use.
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